Xbox game pass pc beta app
Xbox game pass pc beta app

However, you can browse by genre, which is neat. I may sound nitpicky, but this requirement makes the user's experience much more frustrating, when it doesn't have to be. So you have to have at least one correctly spelled word to find what you're seeking. Only by typing in "gears" did I get what I was looking for. Those weren't anywhere close to my intended target: Gears of War. I typed in "gear," and the only search results were Everspace, Ark: Survival Evolved, ReCore and Rise of the Tomb Raider. Ideally, it would have an auto-fill feature, but it doesn't, and it's not good at handling incomplete words. The search function isn't very intuitive, either. Nor was there a way to change the order, which made it all look like a randomly selected nightmare.

xbox game pass pc beta app

When I took a tour down the All Games section in the Game Pass tab, I immediately noticed that the games weren't listed in alphabetical order.

Xbox game pass pc beta app